Unconfirmed transactions in metamask

unconfirmed transactions in metamask

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Following comment solved the problem, GitHub account to open an issue for non tech-users and the community. You signed in with another.

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Sign up for a free the error went away after issue and contact its maintainers. Or are there any errors switch accounts. Essentially you get locked, and submit a transaction and the "Reject" button works both when of this.

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Here are some ways to speed up an unconfirmed Ethereum transaction. If you are not willing to pay such a high amount for a transfer, or if there is not enough ETH in your wallet to cover the fees, just wait until the network is less loaded. Sometimes it happens that the blockchain automatically deletes stalled transactions, but this can take a very long time. You can check the background console by navigating to "Add-Ons", clicking the gear menu to the right of "Manage Your Extensions", clicking "Debug Add-ons", then clicking the "Inspect" button next to MetaMask. Copy link.